Review: Is Burn-XT Thermogenic a wonder drug for fat loss?



Burn-XT Thermogenic Fat is the rage for fat loss right now. Go to Amazon and type in ‘ fat loss ‘ in the Search and the first product that comes up is Burn XT Thermogenic Fat. By the last count, it had garnered a whopping 14,004 customer reviews

Transparency of Ingredients contained in Burn-XT Thermogenic Fat

Unlike other manufacturers who hold the contents of their products close to their chests, Jaked Factory, manufacturers of Burn-XT Thermogenic Fat has revealed its ingredients to the whole wide world. They are:

  • Acetyl Carnitine HCl  700mg
  • Green Tea Extract      450mg
  • Caffeine Anhydrous    270mg
  • Capsimax Cayenne Pepper Fruit Extract  50mg
  • Bloperine Black Pepper Fruit Extract          5mg

This openness by Jaked Factory to share its ingredients with customers and refusing to make it proprietary as other manufacturers has endeared it to customers and inspires confidence in its product.

What is Burn-XT Thermogenic Fat?

Burn-XT Thermogenic Fat is a fat burner and what it does is increase fat loss by burning calories and boosting energy level.

It contains such ingredients as Acetyl L. Carnitine HCl 700mg, Capsimax Cayenne and Green Tea extract. Acetyl L.Carnitine is effective in burning fat into energy. Capsimax when combined with some cardiovascular exercises helps to lose more weight including body fat around the waist and hips. Green Tea extract is a source of antioxidants. They have been credited with promoting heart, liver and brain health and it is a key ingredient in weight loss.

How to use it

The manufacturers recommend a dosage of one capsule per day as a dietary supplement. For regular use, users can take up to 2 capsules two times a day bringing it to a maximum of 4 capsules per day limit.

Because of the high caffeine anhydrous 270mg content, it is recommended it is taken long before sleeping time so that a user’s sleeping pattern.is not affected.

A number of customers have complained of lack of sleep after using their dosage.

What are the Benefits?

  • It suppresses hunger
  • It burns more calories
  • It boosts metabolism
  • It increases fat loss
  • It improves mood
  • It increases energy

Any Side Effects?

The following side effects have been noticed in users:

  • Anxiety
  • Nausea
  • Sweating
  • Shaking
  • Headaches
  • Drowsiness

These side effects differ from individual to individual but there seems to be a preponderance of anxiety causing effect from users.

What Customers say about Burn-XT Thermogenic Fat


This fat burner is pretty amazing if you put in the work. It decreases my appetite so I’ve found that I only eat about half portions at mealtimes. I eat kind of healthy but I do not stick to a strict or specific diet. I purchased this on dec 8th and started using it around the 13th and it gave me energy to workout and even just do household tasks. When I started I weighed in around 158-160. I had previously been prescribed phentermine but I was looking for something a little less expensive. I wanted to lose 10 more pounds and figured I could do so with a bottle of this. I weighed in this morning and I am 150.2 I don’t workout everyday but this has really controlled my appetite which has always been my biggest issue. So my advice is Try it! It’s at a great value to try out because it really helped me lose that last stubborn few pounds.


I literally just started using it and I am not well. Profuse sweating, nausea and I’m clamoring. Teeth are chittering. Am I able to return? This is the first day and I hate it already. I’d hate to lose $30.

Price Regimen

At  $29.99 per bottle, it is a little steeper in price than some of the other products in the same fat burner category.A commitment to a monthly order gives you a 10% discount on future orders If for some reason you are not satisfied with the product, it can be resolved with the manufacturers.

A further incentive is the fact that shipping is free on Amazon

Conclusion: Is Burn-XT Fat the wonder drug for fat loss?

Considering its large sales volume, 30,000,000 units and still counting according to the manufacturers, it is an unqualified success with wide appeal. Out of 14,004 reviews from customers, it got 4.5 stars out of 5.It is No.1 in Fat Burner supplements on Amazon

If this hard data is anything to go by, Burn-XT Thermogenic Fat has been effective in achieving what it sets out to do which is to suppress appetite, increase energy levels and prevent fat production leading to overall weight loss. For it to accomplish this task in its users, it needs to be accompanied by right diet changes and a regular regimen of exercises.

But whether it is a wonder drug for weight loss or not is yet to be seen with the multiple anxiety complaints by users.



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